5 (+1) Influential Mujeres Who Shaped Me

Growing up we owned one volume of the Enciclopedia de Cultura Puertorriqueña. The thick tome titled "Hombres Ilustres" (Illustrious Men) contained short biographies of all the men who shaped the history of Puerto Rico. From composer Juan Morel Campos to visual artist Jose Campeche; from teacher Rafael Cordero to poet and politician Luis Muñoz Rivera;… Continue reading 5 (+1) Influential Mujeres Who Shaped Me

What Itinerancy REALLY Looks Like Today

When I saw the pictures similar to the ones above and below, projected on the screen I turned to our church board chair and whispered, “Hey, where is my horse? You owe me a horse!”  She tried to restrain her chuckle. The leaders of local churches who are about to experience a change in pastoral… Continue reading What Itinerancy REALLY Looks Like Today

Can you save your 2019 goals in March?

I’ve been praying away the extra ten pounds I gained through the holidays.  But nothing is happening.  I do not think God will come through for me on this one, my way, anyway.  Right about now you might be in the same predicament I am in.  I am having a hard time staying on track… Continue reading Can you save your 2019 goals in March?

3 Things Small Church Ministers Can Do (or…Not Do) to Enjoy the Holidays

  As a minister you know all too well how intense it is to feel burned out, especially during the High Holy days.  You wonder sometimes, is there any way to avoid it? Does it come with the territory? The holidays can be especially stressful for ministers and their families; not only because of the… Continue reading 3 Things Small Church Ministers Can Do (or…Not Do) to Enjoy the Holidays

Te Soñe Por Ultima Vez

Desperté con el sonido que hace la barra de acero cuando abren el portón de enfrente. Y salieron a borbotones Desesperadas y libres las lagrimas que Resguarde para días mas tristes.   Te extrañé teniéndote Enfrente. Justo, ahí, sonriente Con ojos dulces Adorándome Escuche tu voz y su canción Que me calma acunándome en lo… Continue reading Te Soñe Por Ultima Vez


I’m a pacifist and I’m angry. Those two terms are not mutually exclusive. If you are a woman of color who has something to say You have been accused of “being an angry person” And being called angry is meant to call you out To point out to a deficiency in your character. This tactic… Continue reading Angry